Individual's Information for Asa Clark Brown RIN: 1

Given Name Asa Clark Surname Brown
Title Prefix Title Suffix Male Age
Born 11 Oct 1792 in Woodstock, Windham, Connecticut, United States 0
Chr in
Died 8 Mar 1866 in Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, United States 73
Buried Mar 1866 in Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, United States
Age Event/Fact Date Desc/Place/Notes
Disproven Birth , , Massachusetts, United States
1 Disproven Birth Abt 1794 , , Kentucky, United States/Kentucky was likely a mistake by the census enumerator. The records of Woodstock, Connecticut have proven that Asa was born there.
Military 15 Sep 1813-9 Nov 1813 , , New York, United States/He was substituted for a man drafted at Cherry Valley, Otsego, New York by the surname of Thomas. Asa was a private in Captain Ezra [or Levi] Adams' Company of New York State Detached Artillery, in the regiment commanded by Colonel E. H. Metcalf. He was drafted at Cherry Valley, Otsego, New York 14 Sep 1813. Marched from Cooperstown, Otsego, New York to Brownsville on Black [River], New York. He was honorably discharged at Brownsville, NY 9 Nov 1813. His discharge certificate was burned when his home burned.
27 Census 1820 Allegheny, Venango, Pennsylvania, United States/«b»Asa Brown«/b»; males: under 10 yrs: 3 [?, Nathan, ?]; 26-45 yrs: 1 [Asa]; females: 16-26: 1 [Elizabeth]
33 Deed 2 Sep 1826 , Venango County, Pennsylvania, United States/Walter B. Wright of Sugar Grove Warren County Pennsylvania agrees to build the running geers of a single Sawmill together with The Bulk head for James Wollaston and Asa C. Brown of Venan- go Alleghany on Little Hickory creek on The East side of the river The said writ agrees to do the above work in a good workman like manner. The said Wollaston and Brown is to Board the said Wright and find the saw,d stuff for the above running geers, the said Wright agrees to commence by the fifteenth of November next and finish the above work by the twentieth of December next, the said Wright from the completion of the above work is to have the same together with all the appurtenances belonging thereunto for him- self his heirs, assigns or administrators in security for the well and true payment for the above work.. - In consideration for the above work the said Wollaston and Brown agrees to pay to the said Wright the true sum of Eighty dollars in lawfull mo- ney of the United States by the first day July next in witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this second day of September 1826. Walter B. Wright seal James Wollaston seal Asa C. Brown seal This is to certify that the within contract is done according to contract and Except of the same. James Wollaston Asa C. Brown Due to the within Wright of beaver twenty two dollars and sixty two cents for work done at frameing over and above the within contract - April 30th 1827 James Wollaston Asa C. Brown Recorded 8th June 1827
39 Deed 6 Aug 1832 , Venango County, Pennsylvania, United States/Article of Agreement made and concluded this sixth day of August A.D. 1832 between William Hunter of the one part and Asa C. Brown of the other part, both of Tionesta Township Venango County and State of Penn- -sylvania. Witnesseth that the said William Hunter for the consideration herein after mentioned hereby conveys to the said Asa C. Brown all the right title & claim in law or equity that he does or may possess whether derived from purchase actual settlement or otherwise to all that piece or parcel of land and improvements agreeable to the bounds heretofore claimed by the said Hunter lying on the Allegheny River opposite of James Wollaston being the place on which the said Hunter has for some years past resided also two islands in the Allegheny river, one being the first island below the Hickory town flats and the other lying partly above and along side of an island warranted in the name of David Hun [ink blotch] and now owned by Jesse Dale which said two Islands has been for years past occupied and cultivated by the said Hunter and for which application has been made to the commonwealth and one third of the purchase money paid, together with all and singular the rights privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining and the said William Hunter and his heirs hereby covenants and agrees to warrant the said Asa C. Brown his heirs and assigns in the full enjoyment and peaceable possession of the above described premises against all persons lawfully claiming or to claim the same by through under or from him the said William Hunter and against all such persons the above described premises will warrant and forever defend, for and in consideration whereof the said Asa C. Brown hereby covenants and engages for himself his heirs executors administrations or assigns to pay to the said William Hunter his heirs or assigns the full and lawfull sum of Six hundred Dollars in manner following that is to say on or before the first day of May A.D. 1833 the sum of twenty five Dollars and on or before the fifteenth day of February A.D. 1834 the full amount of one hundred bushels of good merchantable corn, deliverable on the premises hereby conveyed or at any other place the parties may here- -after agree upon, and annually thereafter on the said first day of May the whole sum of twenty five Dollars and on the said fifteenth day of February the like amount of one hundred bushels of corn untill the said sum of Six hundred Dollars without interest shall be fully paid and in default thereof the said Asa C. Brown his heirs or assigns hereby empowers any Justise of the Peace of the Commonwealth, to take cognizance of the said sum as they may respectively become due and to give Judgment and execution on the same as fully and effectually and to all intents and purposes as if separate notes had been given for each sum respectively. In testimony whereof the parties have hereunto interchangeably set their hands and Seals the day and year first before written Executed in presence of Wm Hunter seal Henry Pearson. James L. ChaseAsa C. Brown seal Venango County so personally appeared before me a Justice of the peace in and for said county William Hunter and Asa C. Brown the parties to the foregoing articles of agreement and Severally acknowledged the same as their act and deed in order that it me entered of record according to law- In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the Sixth day of August A.D. 1832 ----Robert Watson seal
47 Census 1840 Scrubgrass, Venango, Pennsylvania, United States/«b»Asa C Brown«/b»; males: 5-10 yrs: 3 [Joshua, Samuel, ?]; 15-20 yrs: 2 [Lorenzo, ?]; 20-30 yrs: 3 [?, ?, ?]; 50-60 yrs: 1 [Asa]; females: 10-15 yrs: 1 [Hannah]; 15-20 yrs: 3 [Catherine, ?, ?]; 40-50 yrs: 1 [Eleanor]
55 Fire 6 May 1848 , Venango County, Pennsylvania, United States/Asa's house was destroyed by fire. His discharge certificate from the War of 1812 was among the possessions destroyed.
57 Census 12 Aug 1850 Neshannock, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, United States/ 1) Asa Brown, age 56, male, carpenter, born in Kentucky 2) Eleanor Brown, age 46, female, born in Canada 3) Marsden Brown, age 17, male, labourer, born in Canada 4) Samuel Brown, age 14, male, born in Pennsylvania 5) William Brown, age 9, male, born in Pennsylvania, attended school within year 6) John Brown, age 7, male, born in Pennsylvania, attended school within year 7) David Brown, age 4, male, born in Pennsylvania 8) Frederick Goas, age 19, male, born in Pennsylvania
59 Residence 22 Jun 1852 , Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, United States
62 Residence 24 May 1855 Sharon, Beaver, Pennsylvania, United States
63 Residence 27 Feb 1856 New Brighton, Beaver, Pennsylvania, United States
68 Census 6 Nov 1860 Richfield, Hennepin, Minnesota, United States/ 1) Asa C. Brown, age 67, male, farmer, $275 personal, born in Connecticut 2) Elnor Brown, age 55, female, born in Canada 3) Wm. C. Brown, age 19, male, student, born in Pennsylvania, attended school within year 4) John W. Brown, age 17, male, student, born in Pennsylvania, attended school within year 5) David C. Brown, age 13, male, born in Pennsylvania, attended school within year 6) Phoebe Dayton, age 13, female, born in Pennsylvania, attended school within year
72 Residence 1865 Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, United States/Asa Brown, carpenter, Jackson's Addition
FindAGraveID: 49047445