# Read input specs and generate KML files mastfile="gentree.places" outfile="kmldoit.places" tmpfile="kmldoit.tmp" echo "Enter name search:" read varname grep "$varname" htmldir/namfile numlines=0 line=`grep "$varname" htmldir/namfile` numlines=`echo "$line" | wc -l | cut -d " " -f 1` echo "$numlines keys found for \"$varname\"" while [ $numlines -ne 1 ] ; do if [ $numlines -eq 0 ] ; then echo "No names found for \"$varname\", aborting" exit 1 fi if [ $numlines -gt 1 ] ; then echo "Enter key for desired user:" read varname chr1=`echo "$varname" | cut -c 1` if [ "$chr1" = "@" ] ; then line=`grep "^$varname" htmldir/namfile` numlines=`echo "$line" | wc -l | cut -d" " -f 1` else echo "key must begin with @ character" fi fi done key=`echo "$line" | cut -d " " -f 1` echo "Processing key: $key" echo "Enter ancestors (a), descendants (d) or relatives (r):" read cgitype if [ "$cgitype" = "a" ] ; then cginame="genanc" elif [ "$cgitype" = "d" ] ; then cginame="gendesc" elif [ "$cgitype" = "r" ] ; then cginame="genrel" else echo "Invalid entry: \"$cgitype\", aborting" exit 1 fi type="" while [ "$type" = "" ] ; do echo "Enter records to search (birth,christening,death,buried,event,married,mevent,all):" read entype typ1=`echo "$entype" | cut -c1` typ12=`echo "$entype" | cut -c1-2` if [ "$typ12" = "bi" ] ; then type="1BIRT" elif [ "$typ1" = "c" ] ; then type="2CHR" elif [ "$typ1" = "d" ] ; then type="6DEAT" elif [ "$typ12" = "bu" ] ; then type="7BURI" elif [ "$typ1" = "e" ] ; then type="3EVEN" elif [ "$typ12" = "ma" ] ; then type="4MARR" elif [ "$typ12" = "me" ] ; then type="5MAEV" elif [ "$typ1" = "a" ] ; then type="ALL" fi done echo "type=$type" rm -f $outfile touch $outfile ./kmlruncgi.sh $cginame $key >$tmpfile 2>&1 while read gedline ; do akey=`echo "$gedline" | cut -d " " -f 1` # echo "Checking for $akey" if [ "$type" = "ALL" ] ; then # grep "^$akey" $mastfile grep "^$akey" $mastfile >>$outfile else # grep "^$akey $type" $mastfile grep "^$akey $type" $mastfile >>$outfile fi done < $tmpfile sort -u $outfile >$tmpfile rm $outfile mv $tmpfile $outfile cnt=`cat $outfile | wc -l` echo "Found $cnt places" echo "Places file is $outfile" ./kmldoit2.sh