On May 27, 2021 Jacquelyn and I went to Glendale Cemetery in Akron to look at our Holloway/Curtis family grave plot. We were able to locate the gravestone for Edna Holloway Frank under 3 inches of sod (photo 20210527_154848.jpg) and then in the grave adjacent to the left, with the help of a cemetery employee, we located the gravestone for her son, Harry D. Holloway, under 6 inches of sod (photos 20210527_154933.jpg and 20210527_155420.jpg). We raised the two gravestones to the surface. The gravesite for Edna's first husband, Albert C. Holloway, who died in 1933 could not be found. Based on obituaries, cemetery burial records and personal recollection I was certain that he had a gravestone somewhere in the family plot.

On June 17, 2021 I found some old family photos from 1957 that were taken at the family plot after my mother died. After scanning the photos in our computer and using picture enhancing techniques, I was able to see clearly the gravestone of Albert C. Holloway (photos 1957GravePhotosOrig.jpg and 1957GravePhoto1.jpg and 1957GravePhoto2.jpg and 1957GravePhoto3.jpg and 1957GravePhoto4.jpg and 1957GravePhoto5.jpg and 1957GravePhoto6.jpg). Using two of the photos from different directions I was able to triangulate the exact location of the Albert C. Holloway gravestone.

On June 22,2021 I went again to the family grave plot and took some pictures from the same locations as in the 1957 photos, using other gravestones in the background as reference (photos 20210622_131018.jpg and 20210622_131301.jpg) . I then started digging and found the gravestone for Albert C. Holloway under 8 inches of sod (photos 20210622_131944.jpg and 20210622_132936.jpg). This gravestone was 8 inches thick instead of the more recent 2 inch thick gravestones. I needed advice and tools from a cemetery employee to raise it to the surface (photos 20210622_142343.jpg and 20210622_153637.jpg and 20210622_153700.jpg).