This document is in the Ohio Summit county probate will books, volume 5, 1878-1882, and is displayed below in the handwritten script of the court scribe.

The relatives of the Rev. Joseph Thompson Holloway mentioned in this will are:
Cecilia A. Woodruff Holloway (wife, 1828-1913)
Josephus Flavius Holloway (son, 1825-1896)
Wilbur Fisk Holloway (son, 1837-1907)
Ann Eliza Hawk (sister of former wife, 1797-1887)
Anna L. Lockwood (granddaughter, 1860-1952)
Sarah P. Lockwood (granddaughter, 1862-1880)
John Wesley Holloway (son, 1831-1914)
Almira Hitchcock (daughter, 1836-1897)
Emory H. Prosser (grandson, 1847-1902)
Albert E. Holloway (son, 1842-1879)

Joseph T. Holloway (page heading)

At a Probate Court holden at the Probate Office in the City of Akron County of Summit and State of Ohio, a writing purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of Joseph T. Holloway deceased was produced in Court and offered for probate, and therefore the Court syt? the following order on its Journal erg:

In the Matter of the Last Will and Testament

of Joseph T. Holloway Deceased

Be it remembered that at a Probate Court holden at the Probate Office in the City of Akron County of Summit and State of Ohio on the 24th day [day] of September A.D. 1878 a writing puporting to be the last will and testament of Joseph T. Holloway late of said County deceased together with a codicil thereto was produced in Court and offered for probate and Olive P Bube and William D Bube the subsisting po? to said will appeared personally in said Court and being frich?duly sworn testitifed to the due exaction there of which testimony was ? to writing and signed by said witnesses and filed with said writing in Court, and from said testimony the Court do find that said writing was signed sealed and acknowledged by said Joseph T. Holloway now deceased as and for his last will and testament in the presence of said witnesses and the same was signed in the presence and at the request of said deceased. All of which was done when said Joseph T. Holloway now deceased was of full age of sound disposing mind and memory and under no undue or unlawful restraint whatever. Wherefore it is en?dyed by the Court that said writing is duly proved as the Last Will and Testament of said Joseph T. Holloway deceased and the same is admitted to probate and said cause is continued to further testimony in eal? so said Codicil,

S. C. Williamson Judge

Afterwards on the 28th day of September A.D. 1878 this cause came on again for hearing and the Court entered the following order on it Journal erg:

In the Matter of the Last Will and Testament

of Joseph T. Holloway - Deceased

This 28th day of Septermber A.D. this cause came for further hearing and Celia A. Holloway and Josephis F. Holloway the subs?ing witnesses to a writing purporting to be a codicil to the last will and testament of Joseph T. Holloway deceased which was admitted to probate on the 24th day of September 1878 appeared personally in open Court and being just duly sworn testified to the due execution of said writing which testimony was reduced to writing and signed by said witnesses and filed with said writing and the will of said deceased heretofore admitted to probate and from said testimony the Court find that said purported codicil was signed at the end thereof by Wilbur F. Holloway in the presence and by the express direction of

Joseph T. Holloway (page heading)

said deceased who heard him acknowledge the same and the same was signed by said witnesses in the presence and at the request of said deceased all of which was done when Joseph T. Holloway now deceased was of full age of sound disposing mind and memory and under no undue or unlawful restraint whatsoever. Thereforea it is endorsed by the court that said writing is duyly proved as a codicil of said Will and Testament of said deceased and the same is admitted to be to prbapte and the said Will and the Codicil thereto and ordered to be recorded, S. C. Williamson Judge

Said Will Codicil and Testimony is in the words and figures following Will erg:

Last Will and Testament -

In the Name of God and benevolent Father:

I Joseph T. Holloway of Cuyahoga Falls Summit County and State of Ohio do make and publish this my Last Will and Testament making all others by one made.

Item 1 : I give and devise to my beloved wife Ceila A. Holloway in lieu of her D? during her platural lifetime the use and benefit of the House and so much of the West End of Lot number seven 7 in Block No 11 in the East Side of Second Street in the village of Cuyahoga Falls as is now enclosed by fences of the late Dr C.W. Rice by the North, and the North side of a 20 foot ally on the South, and to the west side of the present Barn on said Lot No ? 7 incuding wood shed ? by a running northerly parallel with East side of Second street to the Soud side of said Dr C. W. Rice lot. ? the said C. A. Holloway to have the whole use & controle of said property during her lifetime; She paying all Taxes that may accumilate atainst the same, and keep the same in good repair, and at her decease the said property to be sold and the avails equally divided between any living Children or their Heirs.

Also I will that in addition to the above that my wife recieve one year after my decease from my personal property The sum of Two Hundred dollars; Also in lieu of Dower, Also that my wife C. A. Holloway at my decease receive of my Household Furniture at her own selection, the amount of One Hundred and fifty dollars to be appraised by two disinterested persons the same to be for her own use and benefit forever the above bequests to be in full of her Dower or claims on my Estate, Also to include the Bed on which we lay for her own use.

Item 2 : I will that should Ann Hawk (sister of my former wife) outlive me, that my Executor pay her out of my Estate Personal or ? the sum of Fifty dollards per year during her life time; by taking from the portion bequeathed to each of my children the sum of Two dollars per year for her sustainse.

Item 3 : I will that at my decease the Homestead Lot No 7 in Block

Joseph T. Holloway (page heading)

No 11 in Cuyahoga Falls with all the appertainces thereon (except so much of the West end as is by this will gives to my wife C. W. Holloway to the property of my son Josephus F. Holloway and his heirs forever, the same I have deeded which will be delivered to him at my death, by the said J. F. Holloway paying to my two granddaughters Anna and Sarah Lockwood each Two hundred & fifty dollars with instruct a six per each payable at their majority instruct commencing one year after my deceased, this last amount designing to be deducted out of the portion of the real and personal Estate as by and bequeathed to sad J. F. Holloway.

Item 4 : I will that at my decease my son J. W. Holloway receive as his portion of my Estate the House and Lot known as Lot No 4 in Block No 8 in the village of Cuyahoga Falls, and also the Blacksmith shop & Lot situated on the North side of Broad Streed Cuya Falls being 584 feet front, ? deeds made out in my possession for both the above Lots to be delivered to said J. W. Holloway by my Executor at my decease and in case I dispose of either Lot before my cdcease then the said J. W. Hollway shall receive of my Estate in lieu thereof, for each Lot by me sold One Thousand dollars in addtion to the above Lots he shall receive three Hundred dollowrs of my Estate, $300.00 his portion.

Item 5 : I will that at my decease my daughter Almira Hitchcock receive of my real estate, the deed now made for twenty acres of Land, part being in the township of Northampton and part in teh township of Cuyahoga Falls known as the land and in case I dispose of the the same before my decease then she shall receive of my personal Estate Two Thousand dollars.

Item 6 : I wil that at my decease my son Wilbur F. Holloway receive of my Estate Lots Number 8 in Block No 14 in the village of Cuyahoga Falls on the West side of Front Street, Also Lot No Two in Block No Ten on the East side of Front Street Cuyahoga Falls with all the appertances theron the Deeds made out and in my safe to be delivered over by my Executor at my Dicease, On condition that be the said Wilbur F. Holloway pays to my son Jown A the three Hundred dollars as bequethed to him by me in Item 4 of this my will ($300) Also provided he the said Wilbur F. Holloway pays to my Grand Son Emory H. Prosser one year after my Decease the sum of Five Hundred dollars ($500) as bequeathed to the said Emory H. Prosser in Item 8 of this will.

Item 7 : I will that at my decease my son Albert E. Holloway receive of my Estate as his portion, the deednow in my hands for Lot number 9 in Block No 14 on the West side of Front Street Cuyahoga Falls. Also that my Executor pay over to him the said Albert E. Holloway at my decease all notes in my hands as held by me against Albert E. Holloway.

Item 8 : I will that my Grand son Emory H. Prosser receive of my Estate on year from my decease at the hands of my son Wilbur F. Holloway the sum of Five Hundred dolloase as his portion of my Estate (See Instructions

Joseph T. Holloway (page heading)

given in this will to W. F. Holloway for the payment of he above in Item 6.

Item 9 : I will that my Grand children Anna Lockwood and Sarah Lockwood receive of my Estate after my decease at the hands of my Executor each Two hundred and fifty dollars as provided for in this ill in Item No 3 of this will.

Item 10 : I do hereby constitute and appoint as my Executor of this my last Will my son Josephus F. Holloway and the he be ? required to give Bonds and Appraisers my Estate, but sell and distribute my personal property as he may think best, And that he pay all my ? debts ? my personal property, and that ? equal divide of all my money notes or personal property on hands at my decease after paying all my funeral expenses and debts, the balance be equally divided between my five Children if living or their heirs, And ? that my grandchildren receive their portion and that my Executor hand the same ? over to each for me as if I was living

In testimony hereof I hereunto ? my hand and seal this 24th day of October in the year of our Lord A.D. 1871.

October 24th, 1871 Joseph T. Holloway [seal]

Signed and acknowledged by the said Joseph T. Holloway as his last Will and Testament in our presence and signed by us in his presence -

O. B. Bube

W. D. Bube


I hereby and defe? ? is my will dated October 24the 1871. Such shall read "that the balance be equally divided between my five children if living, or their heirs. And my wife Celia A. Holloway

Hand in presence of J. T. Holloway

C. A. Holloway and By W. F. Holloway Aty

J. T. Holloway C. Falls Nov 18/77

Testimony of Witnesses to Will

The State of Ohio Probate Court

Summit County 8.8.

Personally appeared in open Court on this 24th day of September A.D. 1878 Oiove B Bube and William O. Bube whose purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of Joseph T. Holloway now deceased, and being just duly sworn, according to law, to speak the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, in relation to the execution of said writing they did se?ally depose and say, that said writing was signed, sealed, and acknowledged by said Joseph T. Holloway now deceased in the presence of said witnesses as his last Will and Testament, and sthe same was signed by said witnesses in the precense, and at the request of said deceased, all of which was done when said Joseph T. Holloway now deceased, was of

Joseph T. Holloway (page heading)

full age of sound disposing mind and memory, and under no undue or unlawful restraint whatsoever.

O. B. Bube

W. D. Bube

Sworn to and Subscribed in open Court this 24th day of September A.D. 1878

S. C. Williamson Probate Judge

Testimony of Witnesses to Codicil

The State of Ohio Probate Court -

Summit County 8.8.

Personally appeared in open Court on this 28th day of Sepember A.D. 1878 Celia A. Holloway and J. F. Holloway whose names appear as subscribing witnesses to a witing hereto ? purporting to be a Codicil to the Last Will and Testament of Joseph T. Holloway now deceased, and being just duly sworn, according to law, to speack the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth, in relation to the execution of said writing they did personally depose and say that said writing was signed at the end ? by Wilbur F. Holloway in the presence of said Joseph T. Holloway and by his express direction and was acknowledged by said Joseph T. Holloway new decesed in the presence of said witnesses as a codicil to his last Will and Testament and he same was signed by said witnesses in the presence and a the request of said deceased, all of which was done when said Joseph T. Holloway now deceased, was of full age, of sound disposing mind and memory, and under no undue or unlawful restraint whatsoever.

C. A. Holloway

J. F. Holloway

Sworn to and Subscribed in open court this 28th day of September A.D. 1878.

S. C. Williamson Probate Judge